Like most people I like animals, but usually from afar. But I have three cats that rule me instead of me ruling them. They tell me when to jump, not the other way around. They won't clean up their own litter box either, hell I've got to do it. I've also acquired two feral cats and one turned out to be female that was pregnant, but I wasn't aware of it. It's possible the father may be old Merlin a black cat that one of my dear cousins dumped on me. She showed up one day about a month and a half ago, and surprise, surprise about two weeks ago she brought four little kitties with her. For a while Merlin tried to run her off, but eventually gave up and now she's his boss. Like I said I like kitties but kitties are mean. They have no compassion for you either, they will sleep where they please and to hell with the food you set down for them, if it isn't something you're eating. When I take a nap sometimes, one or two of them will decide they need a nap too. One lays at the bend of my knees and kneads my leg with extended claws and the other one will walk across my head to jump on the window sill, no excuse me ma'am. Makes me feel like a space launch pad.